Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Does the Fire of Teenage Love Die with Maturity?

By Daisy Noelle
Nothing beats the thrill of being 13 and having a crush that likes you. There you are, on the brink of puberty, experiencing the first of firsts. The act of crushing alone is enough for you. Is it the hearts and swirls you adorn around your beloved’s name or the hours of sharing the details of your profound love to your BFFs? Yours is a love unfettered by time constraints or moral compatibility.
Fast forward to 17 years later and although the thrill remains, it brings with it a spell of questions, anxieties and soul searching. What was once a seemingly easy thing to do is now laced with the wisdom of words such as “He’s not that into you” “Guard your heart” “Don’t cast your pearls before swine” and countless Google searches of whether his behavior is acceptable. After all, you no longer draw hearts and swirls…you sign checks and pay bills.
Here you are on the verge of adulthood with your life in your hands. That the genetic outcome of your children is halfway dependent on your choice of partner is a sobering thought on its own. Past all that lovey dovey “it’s about the way he makes me feel” rhetoric, do you ever think how this decision will affect your future generation, your future family dynamics, your values and ideals?
Because I do.
This here is my question; does love become a practical thing as we approach 30? Or are we allowed to become 13 again, embracing the thrill of infatuation and a free-spirited approach to love. Are we obliged to think about genotypes and bank accounts in lieu of physical attraction and playfulness?
I wonder sometimes how dull it would’ve been if we did that as 13 year-olds. Eying the boy across the hall because he was the logical choice and not because we were thrilled about the uncertainty that lay ahead. Do these requirements we create as adults make things duller now? Are childhood sweethearts in a better position than us single 30-year-olds? Never having to worry about the aforementioned as they slip into a synchronized adult version of themselves?
While I have these questions, I also have some musings. Maybe it’s okay that we can be practical, that we can evaluate the trail of relationships in the past (or lack thereof) and decide on what we want. Some people call it courtship; the act of going into a relationship with the intent of long-term commitment. In this case the two parties discover from the get go that they are compatible enough to consider marriage and work together to make it work — practical love, so to speak. So even though the 13 year old thrill seeker in me would like to just go with the flow, a part of me is curious about the wiser option.
I’d like to know your thoughts. Do you believe in “practical love” or is it just a euphemism for settling for the closest catch? Are you open to the uncertain possibilities around you? This goes out to married folks as well, what words of wisdom can you impart on us singles?

How Many Layers Does Your Man Have to Peel to See the Real You?

By Tobi Atte -
Yes…a woman’s emotions are sometimes like an onion. You have to peel that onion to get to the core. You have to get through several layers to get to the real her…the real crux of what she is about. That said, how many layers does he have to literally peel to get to see the real you?
When he actually gets the opportunity to come close (not necessarily sexually but emotionally or even comfort level-wise) will he be in for a shock? Will he find a totally different person than you “introduced” to him when you first met?
In statistics, “Standard Deviation” is defined as the deviation or variation from the mean (average). In the context of this article, we are talking about when you are constantly so far from your “mean”…when you have so many layers to yourself that you now look far from who you look like naturally….and you depend on that always.
I am a guy and I do not know enough about what it’s like to be a woman so let me be the first to say that this article is NOT about telling you how much to do or not do to look pretty. I don’t even have the right to define that for you.
However, when the layers of makeup, the fake eye lashes, the hair extensions, the girdle and shapers, the one-size-smaller-than-your-actual-size bras for more cleavage volume, colored contacts, padded bras, acrylic nails, high heels and everything else comes off, who are you? Are you comfortable in that skin? Who is that girl? Do you think she is beautiful? Do you think she deserves to be loved by a good man? Do you think she is worth waiting for? Do YOU love her? Or do you think she is below standard…a far cry from what is deemed “acceptable”? Are you constantly covering her up so completely that she is basically unrecognizable? Do you despise her so much that you rarely ever feel like presenting her to the world?
This is a tough thing to talk about for most women because of the extreme and often unfair pressure that society puts on women to be a certain way. I don’t have a problem with taking care of yourself or adorning yourself to look pretty. The problem arises when a woman’s sense of self esteem and confidence is low when she is in her natural state, but shows up when she is “layered” with all these additional features. If YOU yourself don’t love “her” then no one else will. You’ll meet men who fall in love with the layers that you presented and you’ll end up frustrated that the man that you’re with doesn’t love you for the real you (without the layers) when the truth of the matter was that you led with the layers, you depended on the layers to “catch his attention” . “You wooed him with the layers that made you into a completely different person than the real you and now you’re stuck in that space.
Here is a message for the men though. One thing you must actively do is to help your woman detach her esteem from her “layers”. That’s not so say you should prevent her from doing things to look pretty, but you must work hard at helping your woman to feel self esteem WITHOUT the pain of high heels, oxygen draining shapers and layers of makeup and all the host of things they do to feel good about themselves.
Sometimes demand…(yes demand) that she wears little or no makeup, dresses comfortable, and then let her know how beautiful she is.,.how appreciated she is. She NEEDS that. Again , it’s not to say that she shouldn’t do the girly stuff to feel like a beautiful woman but she needs to be freed from the cage that society, men in her past and ESPECIALLY other women have put her in…the cage that says that if she is not in physical discomfort from the heels, girdle, painful braids, slapping herself in the head a hundred times a day because of the tight weave on her head , wearing hair from another race/country, wearing fake eyelashes, or if her nails are not a different color that what God made them in, if she has not used a flat iron or if she has not taken a picture in the classic standing cross feet female pose , she is not beautiful. Other women can be trapped in that cage…not your woman. No. she deserves better.
For reasons beyond the scope of this article, people (both men and women) ESPECIALLY women, get a very different response from the world around them when they look attractive (whatever that means. People DO treat them differently when they are looking good. But that should not be the case at home with you. YOU my man, should be the reason why she can go el natural and still feel like she can still maintain her full self esteem. YOU are her escape from the crazy world out there.
Now ladies, I know you liked that little section above with me telling the men to do this and that to help you build your self esteem. But as you know if you’ve ever read anything from me, you’ll know that I am more concerned with your growth than writing something cute. So here are some more thoughts for you.
It’s icing on the cake to have a man that works at making you feel great about yourself without the layers the world insists you must put on. However, the responsibility is still yours to take care of your heart and your mind. It is still your responsibility to love yourself the way you are. That’s not to say that you can’t feel prettier in makeup and all those fun girly adorning things…no that’s not what this article is saying. What it IS saying is that you must not hand over your self esteem to these eye lashes, heels, corsets, foundation or glossy lipsticks.
You see, once you already love yourself the way you are, you will always be able to present yourself the way you are as. Unfortunately, women who don’t learn to love themselves how they are always “in character” like an actress taking on the personality of that done-up persona. It’s exhausting.
Think about it…you go out to the world, all done up and layered, feeling and behaving confident, poised and secure. You come home, take them all off and your confidence, poise and security goes off to (This is not a generalization of all women. If the shoe fits…) You’ll put pressure on him to give you ALL the affirmation you need.
The compliments on how pretty you are, your hair, your eyes, your fitted dress all come and at the back of your mind, you know it’s all the makeup, the hair attachment/weave you overpaid for that used to be the hair of someone else from another race, the lashes you attached, the shaper/corset……and all the layers you have added to yourself to totally hide the real you…and then you come home, take them all off and demand that your man “Love you for you” and “Love you the way you are” and he secretly wants to say “Even YOU don’t love you for you”… “Even YOU don’t love you the way you are”.
So Sista…work on loving yourself more and more. Your natural self. Connect with her. Make her naturally beautiful from time to time. Hit the gym if you need to, eat better if you need to, but know that you are probably more beautiful than you allow yourself to think. You just gotta walk and talk like you believe that, and you’ll see the world respond positively to that.
Deviation from your norm is good but If that deviation has now become your standard of living, then you’re trapped in a life of Standard Deviation…don’t be. You deserve better.
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Tobi Atte is the writer behind – For more on relationships, motivation, personal improvement and more, Like the IJUSTMETME facebook page, subscribe on Youtube and visit the website. Be careful though… You might get addicted. 

Watch Ice Prince Zamani Present the American Weather Forecast in Pidgin English on New York News Channel PIX 11

By Onos O
Last week, we showed you the above photo of Ice Prince Zamani on New York television but now, you can watch it for yourself. Ice Prince uses Nigerian pidgin English to present the weather forecast on American News Channel Pix 11 after a brief promo interview.

Idols West Africa Winner Timi Dakolo Lambastes Pastors via Social Networking Website Twitter

Earlier today, the West African Idol winner Timi Dakolo who is behind such lovely singles as the patriotic“Great Nation” and the romantic “Love Song” took to social networking website, Twitter to express his disdain for some religious leaders.

“Elnathan Was One of My Boys at the Workshop” | Chimamanda Adichie Speaks on the Caine Prize in her Interview with Boston Review

“Elnathan Was One of My Boys at the Workshop” – nine words which caused quite a media circus on social networking website, Twitter a few days ago. On Monday morning, the Nigerian literary world woke up to a certain furor caused by an interview which had been published in the Boston Review.
Nigerian writer and Orange Prize winner Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie had an interview with Aaron Bady in which she spoke about her work, race, her friendship with Binyavanga Wainaina and more. Then she spoke about the Caine Prize for African Writing and her thoughts on the awarding body.
Below is an excerpt of the interview – “The varieties of blackness” with Aaron Bady.
AB: I would love to ask you about the Caine Prize. I find it interesting that so many Nigerians are on the short list this year—that it’s four Nigerians out of five . . .
CA: Umm, why is that a problem? Watch it.
AB: Well, none of them are you!
CA: Elnathan was one of my boys in my workshop. But what’s all this over-privileging of the Caine Prize, anyway? I don’t want to talk about the Caine Prize, really. I suppose it’s a good thing, but for me it’s not the arbiter of the best fiction in Africa. It’s never been. I know that Chinelo is on the short list, too. But I haven’t even read the stories—I’m just not very interested. I don’t go the Caine Prize to look for the best in African fiction.
AB: Where do you go?
CA: I go to my mailbox, where my workshop people send me their stories. I could give you a list of ten—mostly in Nigeria—writers who I think are very good. They’re not on the Caine Prize short list.
Also, you do realize that Nigeria is the most populous country, and we have a crazy, chauvinistic nationalism. So when you say anything bad about Nigeria, we attack you, but when we all go back to Nigeria, we attack each other. That’s how it works. We’re very happy that there are four. Actually, we think all the people on the short list should be Nigerians, because we are born with the natural arrogance of the Nigerians. Of course, what’s wonderful is that there’s nothing to be arrogant about. Nigerians feel very superior to Ghana, for example, but then you go to Accra, and Accra actually works [laughs].
Who’s the other Nigerian on the short list? There’s Chinelo and Elnathan but I don’t know who the others are.
Read the full text of the interview {HERE}
Caine Prize nominee and social commentator, Elnathan John who had participated in the Adichie organized Farafina workshop took to Twitter to express his thoughts on Chimamanda’s words.
From L - R: Elnathan John, Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, Chinelo Okparanta, Tope Folarin, Pede Hollist

3 fundamental ways to live life with no regrets

You need failure to truly appreciate success. You need to one day be poor in order to truly appreciate being rich. Much like Superman needs Lex Luther, love needs heartache. 
I’ve been traveling a lot lately. And whenever I do, I can’t help but people watch in the airport. On my latest trip, while sitting in the Virgin America terminal at LAX, waiting on a delayed flight to New York’s JFK, I was sitting beside a lesbian couple.
While I was on my laptop, hard at work (reading the results of the previous night’s WWE Pay-per-view), this couple was having a very serious discussion about the possibilities of adopting a child together. During the conversation, one of the women theorized that being a parent was “a fundamental part of the human experience.” She said so in those exact words.
And then the couple got up and left, off to presumably plot how to rope me into an airport three-way. And though I must have boarded my plane before that three-way could come to its glorious fruition, those ladies did leave me with a lot to think about.
Is being a parent a fundamental human experience?
If so, let’s break down what a fundamental human experience is. Since I’m clearly an emotionally stunted man-child, allow me to put it in terms of an amusement park: If life is a theme park, and in all too many ways it is, not partaking in a fundamental human experience would be like leaving a theme park — one that you had only one chance to visit — without riding all the rides.
Is not being a parent to at least one child like leaving Six Flags without riding so much as one roller coaster? Because if you went to Six Flags with me, and here’s to hoping you all will at some point, I’d berate you for leaving without riding Nitro or Kingda Ka. You’d be an idiot.
See, this comment stuck with me, because I don’t know if I want children. I’ve said that for years. I just don’t know. I do know I’d like a dog at some point. A girlfriend would be rad. I’m positive that I want to install a Jacuzzi at the next place I live. I’m absolutely certain that I’d like a urinal in my home bathroom. But a child? The jury is still out.
But now,  these gals got me thinking. Because when all is said and done, when I find myself on the wrong side of the grass, I don’t want to have any massive regrets. And not partaking in a fundamental human experience — that’d probably be something I live to regret.
What are the other fundamental human experiences? I thought about it on my flight home and came up with a few:
Just because you were born somewhere doesn’t mean you need to die there. Adventure, damn it! If you live your entire life without exploring the infinite abyss that is not only this country, but also all the others, you’re missing out on an experience that you’ll surely live to regret.
Love and heartbreak
To love and be loved, but to also be crushed at some point as well. Make no mistake about it, without experiencing the latter, the former isn’t as fulfilling. You need failure to truly appreciate success. You need to one day be poor in order to truly appreciate being rich. Much like Superman needs Lex Luther, love needs heartache.
Everyone deserves to be truly proud of themselves at some point in life. I mean a deep, lasting inner pride, in which you can look at yourself, or at something you’ve done, and know, in that one instance at least, that you won. Everyone deserves to get that win, be it in a sport, a creative endeavor or anything else. And if you’ve yet to get there, don’t stop.
All I know is that when I’m old and gray, I want to look back and know I did it right. Regretting something is a truly helpless feeling. Because at that point, what’s done is done. Because Doc Brown isn’t real and DeLoreans, regardless of how fast they’re going, don’t take you back in time.
I don’t know about you, but while I’m here, I want to ride all the rides.

Let’s have fun: Limpopo crooner, Kcee set to drop new single with Timaya

by Oge Okonkwo
Artiste, Kcee will soon be dropping a new single with Timaya.
Kcee confirmed this with Timaya during a  ‘meet and greet’ hosted at Blaze FM Nnewi.
The ‘meet and greet’ which was the highlight of the day for fans came hours before the highly anticipated Star Music Trek concert which held at Beverly Hills Resort Nnewi and drew thousands of fans from Nnewi, Enugu, Awka, Owerri, Asaba and other surrounding cities.
And, for his teeming fans who have spent pleasurable hours trying to decode the mystery of ‘Limpopo’, the stylish artiste finally revealed the meaning during the live chat, “Limpopo just means ‘Let’s have fun’, he said. “It’s a ‘feel good song’ and I really appreciate how my fans have so quickly taken to it.”
The artiste also used the opportunity to clear the air on various issues relating to his work and his growth in the music industry as well as commend the organizers of ‘The Trek’ for the popular platform.
“It’s been an awesome time, connecting with fans and playing great music. I’m really excited and can’t wait for the next leg of the show in Asaba.”

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” To Be Staged Everywhere On Earth

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre will perform “Hamlet” in every country in the world to introduce the Bard in English to audiences in some of the world’s most remote locations, the theatre announced on Tuesday.
The tour will start in the Globe Theatre in London on April 23 next year to celebrate Shakespeare’s 450th birthday and the final performance will also take place, again at the Globe, on April 23, 2016, the 400th anniversary of his death.
The number of countries in the world is disputed, with 196 being most commonly cited, while the Globe says its aims to perform in around 200 states and territories.
Artistic Director Dominic Dromgoole said a cast of 12 would start “with a mad rampage” in Europe then head to North America, Africa, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East, performing on beaches, in palaces and other unique locations.
The team, which will be rotated every two months, will travel by boat, train, jeep, ship and bus to minimize plane travel and performances will be held on a stripped-down booth stage.
“We know that there’s an appetite for Shakespeare out there and there’s a fascination with Shakespeare,” Dromgoole told Reuters as he prepared to take “an international icon” to some of the most inaccessible places in the world.
It is not the first time the Globe has brought Shakespeare to an international audience. During a six-week festival last year, it showed 37 Shakespearean works in 37 different languages to 110,000 people.
This time the play will only be performed in English but with captions.
“The spirit of touring, and of communicating stories to fresh ears, was always central to Shakespeare’s work. We couldn’t be happier to be extending that mission even further,” Dromgoole said in a statement.
Shakespeare’s well known tragedy “Hamlet” was first performed around 1600 and is a vivid portrayal of madness and the darkest elements of the human psyche.
Shakespeare’s Globe theatre was originally built in London in 1599 but burnt down in 1613. The theatre was rebuilt near to the original site on the banks of the River Thames and reopened in 1997.

Psquare, Others Make Future Awards Africa Young Person Of The Year List

The Central Working Committee (CWC) of The Future Awards Africa has unveiled the long list for the biggest youth award on the continent, the Young Person of the Year – The Africa Prize. The Future Awards Africa which has been described by the World Bank as ‘The Nobel Prize for Young Africans’, partners with the African Union (AU) this year.
“As is the tradition, the nominees for Young Person of the Year – The Africa Prize, were drawn from a huge pool of talented trailblazers across Africa, who are making tremendous contributions around the globe,” said Dr. Raymonde Agossou, Head, Division for Human Capacity and Youth Development, African Union Commission. “We are extremely proud of our honorees this year. Working with The Future Project to compile this impressive list was refreshing.”
The winner of this award will be announced at the awards ceremony to hold in August 2013, in addition, all honourees will be given plaques.
“We are extremely pleased with our honourees and the entire list presented by The Future Project  this year.
At every turn, these young African stars inspire us,” said Tonye Cole, Managing Director  of Sahara Energy who is a member of the Audit Committee for The Future Awards. “We are also extremely grateful to the African Union Commission for partnering with us this year.”
The seventy-five (75) nominees for the other 15 categories of The Future Awards Africa 2013 were announced on the 10th of July, 2013.
This edition of The Future Awards is hosted in partnership with the youth office of the African Union Commission, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and nominations for the biggest prize, Young Person of the Year is Africa-based. The honourees automatically qualify as one of the 50 Young Africans Making a Difference on the Continent to be celebrated by the African Union at its 50th Anniversary Celebration in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in October, 2013.
Previous Young Person of the Year winners include malaria scientist Ify Aniebo, award-winning writer Chimamanda Adichie, NASA scholar Tosin Otitoju, agriculture entrepreneur, Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu, and multiple award winning journalist, Idris Akinbanjo who beat Jason Njoku, Linda Ikeji, Chinwe Njoku, Peter and Paul Okoje (Psquare), and D’banj to clinch the coveted award last year.

Cold War? Lagbaja Snubs Former Manager, Layinka At Event

Those who know Lagbaja and his former manager; Layinka, too well, know that the duo parted ways some years ago when the centre couldn’t hold when things started falling apart. But that was a long time ago. Some were saying that the two former business partners had settled the differences between them and have moved on.

But recent happening witnessed under our watchful eyes of indicates otherwise. If what we witnessed recently at an event in Niteshift Coliseum is anything to go by, then it means the two are still not friends as we were earlier meant to believe.

On Wednesday, June 19, 2013, Lagbaja, who was sitting at the front row in the auditorium, allegedly snubbed his former manager when he made effort to sit beside him. As soon as Layinka entered the hall, he made sure he got his way to the front row on the same chair Lagbaja was sitting. 

Just as he was about saying ‘hello’ to his ex-artiste, the masked singer went forward to join others in cutting the anniversary cake as requested by the organisers.

We thought after he returned to his seat, he would have time for Layinka. But our guess was wrong as Lagbaja faced the other side, and ignored Layinka. Few minutes later, he stood up and made his way out of the event obviously to avoid his former manager.

It wasn’t clear to us why Lagbaja treated his ex-business partner that way, but from the look of things, Layinka was embarrassed with the treatment he got from his former artiste, who is now a Glo ambassador.

Footballer Taiwo Nabbed for Tax Evasion in France

Super Eagles defender; Taiye Taiwo may be swimming in hot water as he has been nabbed to answer questions over tax fraud charges leveled against him by France. Marseille court has already started judicial proceeding to seize his mansion based in Allauch, a French community situated east of Marseille and put at €600,000.

According to findings of the French fiscal authorities, Taiye Taiwo defaulted in the payment of income taxes in 2008 and 2009 as well as property taxes in 2011 on his 900m2 home, which they say will be auctioned at €200,000, three times lower than its market value.

Taiwo, is said to owe €1,025,000 in taxes, but can apply through his lawyer for instalment or delayed payment if he is not financially fit to settle at the moment.

The 28-year-old defender who was not present at the tax office is yet to respond to the charges, played six seasons at Olympique Marseille between 2005 and 2011 before joining Italian giants AC Milan and he recently joined Turkish side Bursaspor and currently earns €2 million per annum

#BBATheChase: South Africa(Angelo) Has Fingered And Sub-R^ped Nigeria(Beverly)- Charles Novia

The Big Brother show is undoubtedly one of the .most watched/followed indigenous TV reality show on the continent. Comments and headlines floated the internet when Beverly got involved with Angelo. Here’s what he had to say.

I mentioned earlier on my facebook page that I don’t follow Big Brother Africa and that is by choice. A choice I believe lots of people have on their decoders by ignoring or disabling the channel off their bouquet. I align myself with Professor Wole Soyinka’s statement made a few years back that BBA is pervasive and debasing.

Reading snippets of this year’s edition on some online platforms, I think the Good Prof’s statement has largely been vindicated. Uninhibited sexual frolicks on open camera, accusations of STDs being passed around, shameless smooching by hormonal charged housemates and ear-tingling swear words are the pre-dominant values being shown to the continent from that neo-Gommorhic contraption of a creation. Of course, I’m told the content producers cleverly hide my above description with so-called tasks which lamely try to project positive African cultures and traditions; which is ironical because such modern franchises like BBA are neo-imperialist means of eroding the very essence of Africanism as the world moves to an incomprehensible digital age.

There are various countries represented in the BBA house from many African countries. The Producers of the show cleverly put up a caveat that the contestants represent themselves and not their countries, which I find nebulous and amusing. But I understand why they are playing safe. The reality is that BBA is a competition and every person in that house represents (intentionally or otherwise) the culture and morals of their respective countries. So when one housemate screams blue murder that he was infected by another with an sexually transmitted disease ( I’m told its a Nando accusing a Selly) its not just a personal accusation. Its Nando’s country (Tanzania) accusing Ghana of giving them Chlamydia. That’s just the plain reality.

And while some of us are sniggering about that, the latest furore generated by Nigeria’s representative in the house, Beverly Osu, over her unlimited libido is as shameful to many as it is interesting to others. Almost all major Nigerian online sites and newspapers have been awash with opinions and comments for the past couple of days about how Beverly got herself in a ferocious foreplay which was caught on camera. In accompanying pictures, Beverly is seen with her South African romantic interest, Angelo, in a hot-blooded sexual position with mouth agape in ecstasy as he does something to her with his finger. In fact, I don’t even know which is more shocking, the act itself or the crass reportage given to it by the bloggers. Most of the bloggers went on a tactless headline spree by posting headlines such as ‘Beverly Osu ‘fingered’ by Angelo’ and other shocking headlines like that. What is that naa? Ehn? I guess they didn’t know how else to report it except in the tell-it-like-it-is headline.

Anyway, the arguement in Beverly’s favour is as amusing to me as it is as silly. Some say its her body and she can do what she wants with it. True. I agree. But those with such opinions could very well ask their sisters or daughters who have bodies to dance naked in the National Stadium to accentuate their arguement. Since freedom of the body has now moved from being personal to being open in a visual zoo, then those people might as well go on a naked display.

Another school of thought canvassed by former Big Brother winner, Uti Nwachukwu, says its not easy for a sexually active person to ‘hold bodi’ for 3 months in the house. Is that an excuse? In fact, from the Biblical perspective, I liken the sexual adventures in the BBA house to the sacrilegeous Absalomic act in the Bible, wherein Absalom openly slept with his Father’s concubines for all to see on his royal patio. Only, in the BBA, there are no kings or usurpers. Only people who profess to be followers of faiths they don’t know jack about.

Coming back to my hypothesis, it is not Angelo who used the finger on Beverly. Its actually South Africa which has fingered and sub-raped Nigeria. Since both housemates are representatives of their countries, Angelo’s act should be seen for its symbolism rather than its entertainment value. SA is the biggest economy in Africa, according to financial analysts. Nigeria is the fastest growing economy in Africa. There’s been a struggle for continental domination by both countries over the years. To underscore their importance in Africa, South African companies have been investing heavily in Nigeria; finding huge profits in the porous economy of Nigeria. Nigerians welcome all these investments with open arms. Just as Beverly opened her arms and *cough, cough* for Angelo. So, when Angelo carried out his act, he might have been telling us Nigerians who cared to watch, ‘F**k you, all! You Nigerians ain’t shit’. And that is how I see it.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not xenophobic in anyway. I’m being very realistic. Beverly represents a whoring Nigeria which seem to get nothing right but just allows itself to be screwed both by internal and external interests. Its as simple as that.

But all this grammar and analogy I’m giving here will not change something. When this same Beverly comes back from the BBA house, she would have turned into the next big celebrity with possible companies falling over themselves to sign her for endorsements. Its just what pointing fingers can do to one.

culled from Nigeriafilms

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rita Dominic Is City People's 'Face Of Nollywood' Winner

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Rita Dominic, one of the topmost Nigeria Nollywood actress is now City People's Face of Nollywood winner. The came first after she defeated actress like Genevieve Nnaji, Omotola Jolade- Ekeinde, Funke Akindele and Uche Jombo to clinch the winner

As we gathered, paparazzis had a good time capturing the sexy screen diva with their lenses, which Rita gladly welcomed and admired.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Helen Ukpabio’s N1m ‘Disorganises’ Chidi Mokeme, Julius Agwu?

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When they say ‘never under estimate the power of money’, there must be a reason for that because money can make that big celebrity to be very humble to the person in possession of that huge amount of money who is willing to throw it out at will. 

In Nigeria, some celebs do things as if they are gods, but they go on their knees at the mention of money, and their tongues confess that ‘money is lord’. 

Recently, at a public lecture held at a popular nightlife spot in Lagos, controversial woman pastor, Helen Ukpabio donated a sum of one million. No sooner had she made the donation than entertainers at the event were disorganised. It became a normal thing for them to remind the woman that they (entertainers) ‘love’ her ministry. 

Our tatafo eyes spotted Julius Agwu, who first went to Ukpabio, shortly after the event ended, ‘toasting’ the woman on what we don’t know about. All we saw next was Julius looking for a piece of paper to write something on as directed by the one million naira cheerful giver. 

Julius first picked a complimentary card he saw on the table, but decided to tear a piece from a paper he later laid his hand on. He wrote something on it and passed it on to Pastor Ukpabio.

No sooner had Julius sorted himself out than Chidi Mokeme blocked the woman, where she was still seated and about to leave the event. Trust sharp guy, Chidi, he squatted while he muttered some words to the woman. 

If you think your celebs are not ‘humble,’ pray you have cash to dole out like Pastor Ukpabio, you will have a good control of them. They really need money, forget about the glamorous lifestyle they portray. 


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On Sunday 7th July 2013, Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua received commendation from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), a United Nations specialised agency, praising his recent initiative targeting job creation for unemployed graduates and skills development. 

Ms. Sinanzeni Chuma-Mkandawire, the Director of the ILO Country Office for Nigeria, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, spoke to the thousands congregated at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in a message also beamed live to millions more via the church’s broadcast portal, Emmanuel TV.

“Youth and employment is a huge challenge that the world is facing today and we commend the efforts of the man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua, the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and Emmanuel TV for championing a worldwide initiative on job creation,” Chuma-Mkandawire stated. “This challenge needs the concerted efforts of governments, the private sector, individuals, institutions and faith-based organisations.”

Giving a brief history of the ILO’s aims and activities, Chuma-Mkandawire highlighted that Joshua’s project was in consonance with their vision on skills development and job creation, also lauding his known stand of helping individuals, irrespective of their religious, ethnic or social background.

“My organisation is based on the respect for all people, all religions and all faiths. This is where there is a convergence with what is happening here today and we therefore join the efforts of Prophet T.B. Joshua, Emmanuel TV and all faith based organisations in the promotion and creation of jobs.” Chuma-Mkandawire stated that the first step of the partnership would be to create a website which would provide relevant information for job seekers, linking them to respective job opportunities.

The partnership comes in lieu of Joshua’s call last month on his 50th birthday for job creation to be prioritised in order to avert an impending economic crisis. The ILO whose motto is ‘promoting jobs, protecting people’ said they had been observing Joshua’s charitable endeavours for several years and were delighted to join him in partnership for the mutual benefit of young people seeking employment.

Joshua stated his passion to provide jobs for young people was driven by a vision of an imminent ‘revolution’ amidst the youth if actions were not quickly taken. “Revolution is coming if we do not act now,” Joshua soberly stated to the congregation. “The young ones will take to the streets because the so called legacy of education we give them will not have meaning. Unemployment has made education useless in the sense that the young ones see no meaning in going to school.”

He lamented that education had lost its value. “Each time those in university remember those who made a first class doing what they were not trained to do, it affects their morale. This has affected the value of education; graduates are now struggling with the uneducated for unskilled jobs,” the cleric commented.

A week earlier, Mrs Hannah Ms Hannah Bertillia Acquah, the West African representative for the MBA tour, also publicly commended Joshua’s initiative. The international event organised to link prospective students with top level business administrative educational institutions officially announced their partnership with Emmanuel TV in giving scholarships to enterprising African students, enabling them to study in some of the most prestigious educational institutions worldwide.

According to Nigeria’s Guardian newspaper, the project has already attracted huge national and international interest. “Thousands of organisations around the world have offered to partner with TB Joshua by providing job opportunities for Africans through the initiative. Hundreds of such letters were read at the event, with the organisations stating available vacancies in their establishment,” the newspaper reported on Sunday 30th June 2013.

Mercy Aigbe, Ebube Nwagbo, Tese Onokola, Others At MGN Screening In Lagos (Pictures)

The much-awaited screening of the prospecting contestants for the prestigious Miss Global Nigeria (MGN) to qualify for the one-week camp heralding the main event later this month is presently going on in Lagos.

At the venue of the screening, Pub 1, Ikeja, Lagos, is filled with many beautiful ladies numbering over 80 and are hoping to win the coveted MGN crown, but first, making it into the camp.

Nollywood stars, Mercy Aigbe-Gentry and Ebube Nwagbo are part of the judges. Also in the panel of judges are Tese Onokola, Gbemi Shotade (first runner-up of MGN 2012 and Miss UN) and Alldrey Ekunno.

The girls are having fun and are enjoying the atmosphere. Some of them who spoke with confirmed this. They are also hopeful to be selected. They commended the organisers of the event as well as the judges and promised to embrace their decisions in choosing the lucky ones.

More pictures soon.
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Actress Taiwo Aromokun Gets Surprised Baby Shower…To Deliver Soon!

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Friends of the pregnant actress, Taiwo Aromokun recently got a shocker of her life when her friends gathered to give her a befitting baby shower.

The beautiful but heavily pregnant Nollywood actress who is married to an Amsterdam based dude is set to welcome her first baby any moment from now.

Remember, a few weeks after Bisi Ibidapo-Obey got her own baby shower from friends; she delivered her first baby which she claimed to be for Dino Melaye. A few weeks back. Bisi too gathered some friends of the actress like, Moji Olaiya to be part of Taiwo’s too.
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Kumuyi’s son’s apology over wedding stirs debate

The controversy generated by the marriage of the second son of the General Superintendent of the  , John, to his heartthrob, former Miss Love Odih, has taken a new dimension.

John and Love had tied the nuptial knot on June 15 in Jamaica, but the ceremony had been a subject of debate on social media over how the bride was dressed, in comparison to other weddings held in the church. The church’s belief does not entertain flamboyance in such celebration.
In the wedding pictures that circulated widely on blogs, online forums, discussion groups and other social networks, the bride, who happens to be the daughter of the National Overseer of DLBC in Jamaica, was seen putting on a wedding gown, ear rings, holding a bouquet and applied make-up — all of which are alien to the church’s doctrine.
However, the couple tendered a letter of apology to the church, saying they have “realised the effects of our actions and omission’’; adding that they may have been distracted by cultural differences, as both of them had lived overseas for many years.
The letter was read to the congregation on Saturday during the church’s mid-year celebration programme held at the Deeper Life Conference Centre, Lagos-Ibadan Expresway and broadcast live to branches all over Nigeria and some parts of Africa via satellite.
The letter, which was read on behalf of the couple at about 8pm on Saturday, read in part, “John and Love Kumuyi write to express our deepest and most sincere apology for the turn of events, that have resulted on our traditional and wedding ceremonies,  that took place in Jamaica on 13th  June and 15th  June, 2013 respectively.
“We unreservedly and wholeheartedly state that we did not intend that our acts or omissions will, in any way, undermine the great works that God has done through the Deeper Christian Life Ministry worldwide and  more specifically, through our Father in the Lord, the General Superintendent.
“We also use this medium to profusely and sincerely apologise to the General Superintendent for the embarrassment and heartaches, our actions have caused him, more so that he has earlier declined to be at the events.
“This, notwithstanding, we fully accept that having been nurtured, taught and brought up with the sound teaching of the word of God, we should have been  able to draw the line, which we failed to do.
“We have now realised the effects of our actions and omission and do plead with the church for forgiveness and also appealing that any action that should be taken be directed at John and Love, as we take this time to prayerfully reflect on our actions. We take full responsibility for what happened, and this action should, in no way, be blamed on the GS, or the leaders of the church in Nigeria, United States, Jamaica or United Kingdom and beyond.”
The apology has attracted cheers and jeers on social media from Nigerians, including many who claimed to be members of the church.
The first set argues that John and Love owe no one an explanation because they had done nothing wrong.  Commenting on, a contributor with the name Soloter says, “My dear brother and sister (John and Love), I am also a member of the church (a coordinator) but I say, if not for the sake of pleasing those who felt offended, there is no point apologising. You owe no man any apology.

“God is not angry with you for marrying a woman. You didn’t marry a man. Hear Apostle Paul on a similar case; ‘Let no man trouble me, I bear the marks of Christ not men”. There was no problem with sister Love’s dressing before God and men. The devil only pushed outsiders to make unnecessary hullabaloo, which was supported by a microscopic envious fault-finding brethren in the church. May God forgive them all for making my brethren (John & Love) to feel guilty for no cause.’’
Another commentator on the forum who claims to be a member of the church with the name Dpresideo says, “Personally and to the best of my opinion, they have nothing to apologise for. The reason is that they have not sinned in any way and I don’t see why they should be castigated or disciplined, as this would only aggravate the level of hypocrisy in the church! I shall continue to follow the General Superintendent’s (Kumuyi’s) doctrine of holiness and not human principles and personal ‘puritanism’ which does not take you to the gate of heaven, except holiness.’’
On the other hand, those who believe that the couple owe the generality of members of the church an apology argue that they (John and Love) were well grounded in the doctrines of the church, but willingly chose to be rebellious.
One of them who called himself Ubong writes, “Not accepted! Why did they use it in the first place? What happened to their sense of morality then? Medicine after death!’’
One Anniettie ufia  notes, ‘’Children of nowadays, You want to tell me that in that church they don’t have marriage committee and counselling team? Was there no inspection of the so-called wedding gown before that day? I perceived they warned them, but they wouldn’t listen, after all, na my papa get church wetin concern you?  That apology is too late. Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.’’
But an anonymous reader on a blog, appears to have a different opinion. She says, “The only apology that should be acceptable to members is to make wedding gown legal in Deeper Life, now that the GS’s daughter-in-law has set the pace. Let Deeper Life brides look good on their wedding days just like Pastor William Kumuyi’s daughter-in-law does. Anything short of that amounts to repression, double standard and hypocrisy.’’
Also, a Facebook user, Arowolo Anuoluwapo,  argues, ‘’In my opinion, that apology was not necessary. The church should be the one to apologise for conducting a wedding they would not allow for ordinary members. The apology doesn’t solve issues. Traditions need to be reviewed if progress is to be made, or else the future remains bleak.’’

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My name is Naomi Nkechi Ihemelu, I am in my 20s and right now I am in my final year in Lagos State University studying History and International Relations. Basically, we are five girls and a boy in my family and I am the last child of my family.


Growing up was interesting for me; I grew up in the boarding school. I schooled at Federal Government College, Ikorodu, Lagos. So, I grew up in Lagos. I grew up among different kinds of people with different backgrounds and different upbringing. In fact, growing up in the hostel is the best thing that can ever happen to anybody. When you are in a boarding school, there is no way you won’t be smart and intelligent, you get to learn different things. I am a Christian but I know how to pray in the Islamic way. So, growing up wasn’t too challenging but I know that I learnt a lot of things. Then in school I never thought I was going to be an actress but I knew I loved entertainment. I loved socializing to the extent that they made me the Social Prefect of my school. I never had it in mind that I was going to act.

Silver spoon kid

I was born comfortable. I was born eating three square meals in a day. For my parents to put me in a boarding school, I think we were comfortable. They were caring for six children and taking good care of them. I still have everything that I need to be comfortable and it is by God`s grace.

How I ventured into acting

I joined the movie industry before I gained admission into the university. I have the flair for acting, even while I was still in secondary school, I was acting. Then I used to participate in church drama and other activities. When I finished in secondary school, I told my mum that I wanted to act and she said ‘okay’. I took a bold step and got myself fully registered with the Actors Guild. My colleagues were updating me on the auditions going on in town. So, I started attending auditions. I think that was in 2007.

Rise to stardom

It’s not by my power, its actually God. I did a couple of movies back then, When I hit the limelight was when I did Clinic Matters in 2009. When we had the audition, there was so much crowd, it was tough because we were more than 400 girls and they needed only three. But I trusted in God. At the end of the audition, I was among the three persons that were picked, Theresa, Nurse Abigail and I, I played Titi and it was so interesting that I couldn’t walk on my street and other public places. People started calling me Nurse Titi even till date. I thank God that Clinic Matters brought me into the limelight.

Parental opposition

At the initial stage, my dad was not just comfortable with my acting. Not that he didn’t support it, he wasn’t just comfortable with it. It was normal in those days when every parent wanted their childern to be doctors, lawyers or something big. My dad wasn’t comfortable with my acting but my mum was fully in support of it. Then she wouldn’t say much but would encourage and give me transport money. My father later consented because I had an aunt in the industry who was doing well at that time. I am glad that today all members of my family are happy with me and they want me to do more in the industry.


I have had many challenges jumping from one place to another. It wasn’t easy especially the auditions were very hectic. Another challenge I had was getting a script and going home to work on it only to find out later that the same movie has been released without them informing you. I thank God it is not happening anymore.

On Nollywood

The Nigerian movie industry is growing. It is amazing when people compare Nollywood and Hollywood. These people started years before us but today we are being rated alongside Hollywood. By God’s grace we are going to reach there.

My unique selling point

I think it is my smile. When people look at my face they would say that I am smiling. But it is not always good because people hardly know when you are sad. They will always keep complimenting you even when you are sad. My smiling face and my legs are my unique selling points. People like my legs especially when I am on heels. The way I walk, I think I have carriage. People fancy me because of who I am and the way I carry myself and the kind of things I do despite the fact that I am not all that tall. Most times what people keep telling me is that they like the way I dress, the way I package myself and the role I play in the movies. A lot of people appreciate my fashion sense because I love fashion a lot.

What it takes to look good

Well, it takes good money to look good. I spend good money to look good. I spend a lot when it comes to fashion. I love fashion a lot even when I am 100 years old I want to look good. When you see Naomi Ilumelu that is fashion for you. It’s not everybody that can wear white uniform from morning till night without staining it. When we’re shooting, we put on white uniform from dawn to dusk. So neatness in Clinic Matters is like five and six from the beginnning to the end. Cleanness is Godliness.

New project

I am shooting a movie entitled, College Girls Reloaded. It is about college girls. In the movie, I play the role of Cindy, a secondary school girl who knows everything and who starts having sex while in school. She does everything bad and she gets to deflower most boys in the school. She is just a crazy person. And eventually she doesn’t make it in life. That’s the project I am doing right now and I am also acting in Tinsel. In two months time, I am going to release my own movie.

Impression about sex

On a general note, sex is ordained by God for every man and woman who are joined together. I believe sex is for those who are married, they should have it and enjoy it. I wouldn’t say anything on my sex life now until I am married. It’s then I can open up on my sex life. My ring ? Oh, the ring I am wearing is just for fashion. I am not engaged. I am still single.

Men do toast me

Men are plenty on my list, they keep knocking on my door but I know if I get any man now I could get distracted. I wouldn’t say I am searching because I am so focused on my job. I don`t have time to hang around with men here and there. It is going to be a distraction for me which I really do not want right now. So, I am single but I am focused. I am too busy to have extra headache, I am not saying guys are headache but for now I don’t have any man in my life. It’s because I don’t need any distraction. Maybe when I graduate from university I can befriend one.

On lesbianism

I am not a lesbian and I will never be. God forbids that nonsense. I totally don’t support it. God doesn’t approve it. On love, of course, I do believe in love. Love is a strong thing and I believe in love.

My ideal man

My ideal man must be God fearing. He must be tall, dark and handsome, and capable enough to take care of me. I would like him to give me attention. I like a good man who is humble. I don’t need a noise maker. I need a man who can connect with my visions and dreams.

On modeling

I actually started as a model and you know that acting also entails fashion. In the movie industry, you have to be smart and clean. For fashion, I will say I grew up with it; my mum is a fashionable person. She loves fashion and she sells pure gold accessories. In fact, I grew up wearing gold. That’s what inspired my fashion sense. My own kind of modeling is photography modeling.

Time management

God is my strenght. Before I do anything, I have to go on my knees and pray. I am focused and I know what I am aiming at, so if I get a little distraction I can lose focus. I am managing my time well. Any little time I have, I make use of it. I still go back home to do my house chores; cook, wash etc.

My male fans and I

I will tell you the truth it is not easy. My male fans especially the stubborn ones never want to leave me alone. Even when I don’t attend to them, they are still pestering me. In the first place, I try to accommodate them. I don’t look down on them like trash or shout at them or be a snub. But when the interaction is getting out of hand, I will quietly excuse myself. You might call me or send email, I wouldn’t answer.

Crazy thing a fan did to me

I have this crazy fan that any time I go to my facebook page, all I see is recharge card airtime. He keeps sending and sending and I would say ‘okay, thank you don’t send any more, I appreciate it. I don’t want to reject your airtime’. But he keeps sending and asking for my phone number. I can`t give him my number. I don’t have to impress everybody.

What I miss most

I have missed a lot. I am a fan of boli (roasted plantain) and groundnut. I remember on my way to the National Theater for auditions in those days, I used to by boli and groundnuts from a woman. She knew me very well that I would equally buy on my way home. But since I became famous I couldn’t stop and buy boli again even when I tried to hide under a dark sunshade. Sometimes, I want to eat amala in a bukateria but I can`t sit down and eat or buy and take away any more. Sometimes, I would go to an event where an enticing meal is going round the table but due to a lot fans that are staring at me, I wouldn’t know what to do, I would rather leave the food.

On nude roles

I have never had any experience of sex for role because I am good at what I do. I think people who are getting these offers are those who are not good in what they do. Acting nude ? No! I could play semi nude; wear bra and pant but playing totally naked for the whole world to see, no!

Fight over love

Never, if I caught my man with another woman that means he wants to belong there. He can go. I can fight for my man when it is right, but not when you dabble in with another woman and you still expect me to come and fight for you, no! I can`t fight for love because another man will always come. When one door closes, another will definitely open. I can`t break my head for love.

Advice to young ones

Whatever you do, just be focused and make sure you have the vision of where you are going to. You have to strive to make good plan and have a target. You don’t allow any distraction to pull you out of it. You will get there for the fact that you are prayerful.